Sunday 3 April 2016

Coming Clean

I have recently noticed that you guy seem to enjoy deep heart felt posts that I write on here so he is another one just for you guys. Basically, I have often told you guy to be happy and love who you are yet I do not seem to be using my own advice. This then lead to me realising that the things I say are often more easy said then done. but that doesn't mean they are impossible.

Lets start off by saying I have always said "Be you , Be unique" (or the other one which is more cringey: "you can't spell unique with out U") all of these things are 100% true but also 100% harder than anyone thinks. I often find myself thinking about being healthier or wearing less make up or simply being myself in front of people ( because we all know we act so weird in front of your crush or a cute guy/girl- I am not the only one!). I also know I am not the only one who looks in the mirror and sees something different to how everyone else see it- if that makes any sense at all. This is just what many people go through ( many would say teens which suggests that teens have it harder- which sometimes they do- but it happens to everyone form all ages but mainly occurs around teens and older.) It feels like a million years since I was so young and didn't care about what people think. That I could wear a bikini and love myself like I was the best thing ever but it all faded around the age of 11/12 when I was turning twelve mainly. I would avoid pictures because I was awkward but I am not that old nor that wise I make stupid decisions without even letting them sink in or having second thoughts until it's too late to look back but don't do that. This may seem hypocritical because everything I am telling you not to do I already did but my parents taught me a great phrase " do as I say not as I did" which always seemed quite demanding and almost aggressive but is actually great advice when you need it. I know it helped me through things, teaching me right and wrong making me a half developed human being.

Secondly, if you do struggle being yourself- God knows we all do- I was once given some great advice by a follower- if you are reading this thanks again- If you are around someone you know then just be yourself they know you and love every last crazy quirks you have so believe me they won't mind, If anything they will love you for being yourself. But if you are dealing with a stranger what's the point on trying to be someone else  9 times out of 10 you will never meat them again so hey if you if you aren't gonna see them what's the point on faking it. (btw thanks Rose) I hope you don't mind me stretching that a bit further but If they are your crush and you want them to like you don't bother being someone else because you want them to like you not some stupid made up 2nd version of you because if there is one thing I know that is that the remakes are never as good as the originals meaning you are perfect and I want to know if you are reading this and you have listened to me ramble for about forever, you are beautiful and I love you for who you are not the damn made up version of you, I love YOU.

I know this is long winded and I did not actually give you much advice but that was the point of this post to show you that not even I can follow my own advice so I have not much right to feed it to you but just so much as guide you through the ever growing list of life's problems and I am sure that's a heck of a list but hey at least we can cut about 1 or 2 or even 3 problems off maybe more. If you can look past lies and 2nd versions of yourself and appreciate your amazing quirks then you are a modern day hero.

Talkative Girl ( time to stop talking) xx

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