Friday 13 November 2015

Bad luck!!

Thank you so much for reading my last post hopefully you will like this one just as much. So this post is less advice more, I don't know, problem. so let's begin.

Happy Friday 13th!! Hopefully you have not had loads of bad luck. I know not all of you agree with Friday the 13th but I think its slightly superstitious. Maybe it's just a coincidence that people have bad luck but I now believe in Friday the 13th!!

Why? you might ask. Because I am in pain now! :( I know Friday the 13th is weird because you know not everyone's friday the 13th is like the movie- mine wasn't. Anyway I have hurt my foot :(. I know , I know doesn't sound that bad but It hurts so much!

Basically, what happened was that I was dancing- at dance class, I don't randomly dance around, who am i kidding, I do, anyways- and as I was doing this handstand cartwheel type thingy ( a contemporary cartwheel)I hit the top of my foot under my big toe and now It is blue! And swollen! At the moment, as i am typing this, I have an ice pack on it!

Okay this was a very different post to my normal ones but I just wanted to tell you to be careful -even If the day might be just a made up thing- on Friday the 13th.

I want to know your opinion on this day! Has anything happened to you? Do you think this day is just a myth? I want to know! Please leave a comment down bellow (I do write back all the time:) ). Please if you are feeling extra generous share this post on Facebook , Google +or any other media. Please I Know i'm asking for a lot but if you do enjoy my posts follow me on here.

Talkative Girl (Time to stop talking) x

Thursday 12 November 2015

Keep Moving Forwards

Thank you so so much for the advice on my last post I did try it out and it was amazing!! I had literally the best day! I could be more open, I could talk to random yet amazingly nice people on the bus and talk more in class

This post is about our future selves and not to keep living in our past to avoid the future. I know some people might think the future holds mean and brutal things but I'm here to reassure you it won't. This is just your body's way of telling you that you're worried about the future. But the future will hold so many bright and beautiful things that you will definitely be able to make amazing memories with.

At the moment I don't really know what the future may hold so this means I don't know what job I want or how many children I want.( Believe me some people do think that far ahead and there is nothing wrong with doing so). For quite a long time I felt really down and as though I was the only one who felt this way. Many people were pressuring me to have a clear image of what i want to the future to be like and if i want to go to university. I was pretty much clueless. Then suddenly I realised I was not the only one who felt this way. In fact so many people enjoy living life by a simple phrase "Live your life like everyday is the last"

I have recently realised that this is actually quite accurate because if you are so focused and have convinced yourself that you won't like your future then you won't enjoy the present time!!! Because although it might seem a little weird knowing you're going to grow up and begome somebody older , wiser and perhaps more intelligent who knows. Don't be worried about growning up becaus eit won't be that bad. I'm not saying to wish your life away and act older than you actually are but you should definitely not be anxious about the future.

I like to think of life as a game of M.A.S.H. You might of heard of it before. Basically, you pick 4 random things for some categories such as job, kids, husband, car . Then you draw a spiral; count how many lines there are, then go along counting until that number then you cross out the option. This is how I think of life. You can't make a decision straight away because it might change.

Thanks for reading and remember you don't need to know what the future will hold because the thing is that life is unexpected. Anything could happen who knows.

If you do know what you want to be or have more advice for me and those who don't quite know yet leave it down in the comments below and it would give me a real big helping hand if you could share this post on Google, Facebook and other media sites

Talkative Girl (time to stop talking)

Wednesday 11 November 2015

Beauty and Boys

Well, this is my first real blog and I'm super excited so let's begin.
This post is quite personal to you guys and for me, It's all about what we think about ourselves whether it's positive thinking or negative I think I should discuss it.

I know a lot of you including me think way to much about what other think of you. This is completely natural especially around your teenage part of life you're constantly worrying about your appearance and if it's appealing to the opposite gender (or the same gender). This is pretty normal, I of all people should know because I constantly feel as though I have to dress to impress and make sure I look great all of the time (which is almost impossible).

Let's say you have a crush and you really want him to like you back so you start pretending to be  somebody you're not just to get his attention and you wear make up for him and not for you.This is so wrong I can't begin to stress how important it is for you to do something like change your style of clothing or begin to wear makeup just because of someone else. Do it for yourself and not for them because believe me it's a waste of time. I know this is gonna sound a bit old school because everyone says it but If they don't like you for you then they are not worth your time. But this is easier said than done because You will always have the strong thought that you have to be wildly attractive to the opposite gender or the same but you don't. I think that on day- and i know this is going to sound really cringy but- you will meet your soul mate, the who is perfect for you . Your missing puzzle piece. Okay now it's sounding very cringy so you get the point.

If you don't like the way you look well get used to it because that is you body and you might not think you're all that beautiful but I'm absolutely positive you are. Inside and out. So if you're a bit worried about an outbreak of spots you're having that's when you could use a little concealer to make yourself feel more  comfortable. If you're worried about something that you're most likely stuck with such as freckles, then stop worrying there beautiful because it's a part of you. They make you different from other people, There what make you, you. so don't put layers of foundation,concealer, powder over them to cover them up. If you're self conscious about your  weight and you feel as though you're to big then go on a small diet change for yourself so you feel less anxious about it not because you want to impress somebody.

Thanks so much for listening to me ramble on about this as I do feel very strongly about it. I also hope I help some of you guys understand that everyone is beautiful in there own way. I also hope so much that i gave you so advice to help you feel better about yourself. If so please tell me in the comments below.

Talkative girl x (time to stop talking)          

Tuesday 10 November 2015

Finally Ready

 I actually can't believe im doing this! ive be wanting to do this for some time now so here goes:

Hey! I'm starting this blog for me and you. I guess I have quite a lot to say i just can't work out how to so i've come to the conclusion i'm going to just blog about it. But i'm a really shy person i guess the only way of describing it is imagine you're in a bubble, It's your own private bubble. But on day someone goes inside but you begin to worry about things like what do they think of you? , Why do they want to be around you? , What am i going to say? This basically describes me and how i feel. you could call it slightly awkward but i'm gonna stick with shy. So i have decided to be anonymous and instead of my name i'm going to use the nickname talkative Girl as i'm only talkative to people like my friends and if anyone is reading this blog I want to think of you as my friends even if I don't know you.

Now, I know not a lot of people like anonymous blogs because they seem as though you are hiding something even if you're not. So  here are some reasons why i would prefer to remain anonymous:

  1. Firstly, as I've already mentioned i'm shy so it's just easier for me to just be who I am without using names 
  2. Secondly, SCHOOL now i know this doesn't seem that big of a deal but it is to me I don't want to have people I don't really know that well ask me random questions and mocking me (again to do with me been shy) 
  3. Thirdly, I worry about what people think way too much so it's kind of hard for me to show you who I am Knowing that anyone could be talking about they way I look or my opinions.
  4. Also, I not wanting to sound nasty but if i was to at least have 1 reader I don't know how i could handle meeting them face to face.
  5. Finally, I want to be completely truthful and if that means saying embarrassing things I don't really want to have people going up to me and asking me about them.
So there you have it my first blog post I actually doubt that anyone will read this but i guess you never know. Also whether or not I have any reader i will still keep posting as this blog is for me as well as reader to help me deal with things and get them out of my system.

Talkative Girl x (Time to stop talking)