Thursday 24 December 2015

Day 12 of blogmas- the last day!! :D

Welcome to the final day of blogmas which does sound sad but it means that christmas is tomorrow!! Now I know some of you my think and expect me to do a massive post of something fun but I  am not going to I just one to do some small things and then end this post a a good and fresh way!

Firstly, thank you for your loyalty and reading this post everyday and I am really happy I got to spend christmas, in away, with you It has been a wonderful and festive time that we have shared so I will it again thank you so much I am eternally grateful for you because you always make me feel happy even through dark time! The main reason I started this blog was to feel as though I belong somewhere and to help you as well as you helping me and you guys have done just that and believe me when I say this you are UH-MAZING people!

There is only one more thing left to say and that is of course merry christmas and I hope you have a good one as I most likly will not post tomorrow as it  is family time. So no matter what you are doing where you are having a party or staying at home quietly have as much fun as possible. so Merry christmas!!

Talkative girl (time to stop talking)

Wednesday 23 December 2015

Day 11 of blogmas-Happy Christmas eve eve

Welcome to day 11 of blogmas as tomorrow is christmas eve I think we should do something really festive! so we are going to be doing my christmas favorites. I know it is not that festive but it's all I could think of sorry.
Let's begin with skincare then we will go all things makeup and then little random things!

Garnier micellar cleansing water- This product is really great for this time of year as it remover makeup and hydrates your skin which is great as oppose to regular tap water. I have no clue whats in it that makes it so good but it is definitely a good by. to buy this product click link below.

Simple eye balm- Now it's around the christmas period I know some of you will wake up early to go to the shops and you will have no time to put any makeup on and if you are like me then you will have bad eye bags so this product is great to stop that it feels really nice any hydrating and makes me feel more awake! to buy or view product click the link below.

simple replenishing moisturizer- this is usually my nighttime moisturizer as it is so uplifting any hydration (wow I'm using that word a lot today) and is really good for winter because in winter your skin really lacks moisture and this product brings it all back after one use. to buy or vie click link below 

Clinique hand moisturiser- This one is on the pricy side for hand cream but it is really good I got in a half price sale box set last year in the boxing day sales and I only just cone around to using it but it is amazing and feels really good. The only down side is the scent well it doesn't have one it smells really strange it's  hard to explain  but yeah. really good below

Make up-

rimmel wake me up foundation- this is really nice for this time of year because you skin tends to look dull but this foundation contains a little bit of glitter (don't worry you won't look like a twilight vampire in the sun) which has a really nice effect and looks really fresh and glowy. link below

volume express mascara- this mascara has been my favorite now for about 3 month I have no sto used it because it look really nice and it doesn't all lump together in one large mess which I know can happen with some mascaras it is also waterproof which is great for the unpredictable weather because I know i have used a mascara before that wasn't water proof and got caught in rain and well I looked like I had been crying! link.

bronzer (rimmel)- In winter I tend not to have a lot of colour to my face to bronzer and blusher and contour and highlight tend to be my best friend .this particular one is really good because it look really natural and pretty and has really helped me get that natural looking colour back t my face!Link


belgium choco cookies- Now I don't even have to say anything else about them because they are so good they taste amazing and I got mine from waitrose I think every shop does there own version of them but waitrose ones are by far my favorite at the moment! Link below.

Will Grayson Will Grayson- This is a book that I have been reading and it is a really funny book that in away is really cute and really rude but in a funny way don't worry I recommend this book to everyone at the moment. Random fact it was written by two authors and they both wrote a chapter each in a pattern so they had to find a way of tying them together which they did and have now created the ultimate best book!link below  

There we have it I hope you all had a great christmas eve eve and have an amazing day tomorrow as it is christmas eve I hope you enjoy it and if you have a party tomorrow I hope it goes well. Thanks for reading goodbye

Talkative Girl ( time to stop talking)

Tuesday 22 December 2015

Day 10 of blogmas- like what? or like this?

Welcome to day 10 of blogmas and today we are going to be doing the what or like this challenge (That is what i call it I don't know what it is actually called)This is similar to the to the christmas tag but has a few difference ( I just looked up what is called and it's called 20 questions with Arthur Christmas- which is a move) so let's get started!
Egg Nog or Hot Chocolate?
Hot chocolate all the way. There is nothing better than having a long day christmas shopping then coming home and curling up with the heating on full blast ,candles lit and a lovely hot chocolate.That just sounds UH-mazing

Colored lights or White?
I own both white and coloured lights but I do prefer coloured as it looks more fun and xmas should be more fun than any other holiday!

Stocking or Presents?
I have never owned a stocking! Well, I have but not one to put presents in one for decorations but I usually have a massive sack. I know I'm so spoilt!

Give or Receive Gifts?
I am one who loves giving  I always see something in like august and I'm like should I but I always do!

Angel or Star?
Star, at the moment, Last week I had an angle but It broke and I have had that my entire life. R.I.P amazing ornament. : ( 

Open Presents Quick or Slow?
Quick I get super excited I can't help it ( i am not the only one for sure)

Warm Fires or Sleigh Rides?
I have to admit war fires I love the cozy side of christmas. : ) 

Snow Ball Fight or Making Snowmen?
Making snowmen. I have a massive fear of snowball fights I bruise easily it is just painful.

Caroling or Christmas Stories?
Depends I don't do neither really but I sing a hell of a lot of christmas songs so I would say carols!

Red or Green?
Red! I always  wear red clothes red lipstick (in all fairness green lips would look a little crazy) so yeah red!

Fake Tree or Real?
I have a fake tree and I love it. I never have owned a real tree!

Were you Naughty or Nice this year?
Nice obviously. I'm am always nice :D

What’s your favorite Christmas food?
I have said this so many times! Piggies in blankets and chocolate.

Do you shop early or late?
I think I have already mentioned that I started shopping in August.

What’s your favorite Christmas song?
Sam Smith- have yourself a merry little christmas

Have you ever had a white Christmas?
yes but i haven't had one in a while. I want one so bad!!

What’s the best gift you’ve ever gotten?
Umm.I have no idea but probably the time we  went to butlins when I was like 5 and we had no idea!. I saw santa and I was just amazing!

Can you name all of Santa’s reindeer?
I have no clue but i'll give it ago and I promise like really promise I will not cheat- Donner, Blitzen, comet, cupid, rudolph dasher and dancer I think that is them all I have no clue you can have a look if you like.

What is your Christmas wish this year?
I have already mentioned this and it is pretty deep it is for everyone less fortunate or suffering from problems to get a present weather it is the gift of happiness or a 3ds as long as they have a great christmas!

What part of Christmas do you look forward to the most?
Ooo. EVERYTHING! but mainly the food. Jokes. Family time 

There you have it another day closer! I hope you are all having an amazing journey towards christmas and I hope you have an amazing day!but for now goodbyeee.

Talkative Girl( time to stop talking)

Monday 21 December 2015

Day 9 of blogmas- It's the most wonderful time of the year

welcome to yet another day of blogmas and today i thought I should just have a basic post to tell you what I'm gonna be doing this christmas as there are only 4 days left till christmas **happy dance**. If you are as excited as I am for Christmas then you are probably looking at so many christmas post and videos so I might do the Christmas tag as well because Well I'm just to excited!!

Well, I have zero plans  to do for the next 2 days but On christmas eve I have a jam packed day ful of fun! I will be having time with the family having a party on the evening eating lots of food ( we all have to admit christmas food is like wowsa!) like pigs in blankets, chocolate cake and lots of sweets and more chocolate **literally drooling**. So yh and christmas day well its pretty self explanatory because for me christmas is either way to chilled of crazy! But ill probably snuggle up in my jumper and have loads  more food!

Christmas tag!
 Now I have typed into google the christmas tag and in came up with ten questions so i will show you them and then i will answer!
1) What is your favorite holiday film?
 Umm.It's a wonderful life (i know it's old) or The grinch.

2) What's your favourite christmas colour?
 Red  or Gold (is gold a christmas colour?)

3) Do you stay in your pjs or dress up for christmas?
 I actually dress up because I have loads of guests.

4)If you could only by One person a present this year who would it be and why?
My mom probably. Reason being that she spends way to much on me all the time. So does my dad but he doesn't like getting gifts so yeah.

5)Do you open a present on christmas eve or save them for christmas morning?
  I save them till morning. It only seems right but I know some people open 1 prezzie on christmas eve which does sound pretty cool but No.

6)Have I ever built a gingerbread house?
Yes i have but I felt really bad for destroying it! I'm a so evil for killing a house and making the poor gingerbread people homeless :(!

7)What do I like to do on your xmas break?
I honestly don't know visit my family.

8) Any christmas wishes?
 for the lest fortunate people in the world any people that have had a terrible year to forget about that and have the best christmas ever and let them all have a present. : )

9) Favourite christmas scent?
I don't know I like them all besides Yankee Candle christmas treats because it's way to sweet! but the one I like at the moment are Yankee candle christmas morning and the apple and cinnamon candle.

10)Favourite christmas treat?
I have to that I think I have already mentioned but they are piggies in blankets and a box of celebration or heroes or rose  I'm not a big fan of quality streets.

There you have it another day gone It's been a gooden but it's time to finish don't cry because it's  getting closer to CHRISTMAS!! but for now  gooodbyee!

Talkative girl ( time to stop talking) xx

Sunday 20 December 2015

Day 8 of blogmas- Christmas movies!

 This my second post today because I missed out day 7 **shakes head at self** I know I am simply terrible. haha. no time to waste lets  get our groove on !!

welcome to day 8 and look at the title because if you don't already know I am going to be talking about Christmas movies. Now these are not in the order of how much I like them because to be honest I can not pick and order so let's get started.

Elf- this is a movie about an elf that is not so small its super cute and you must watch!

It's a wonderful life- I love, Love , LOVE this movie it is heartwarming and emotional and everything that a movie should be but it was made in like the 1930s I think so it is in black and white but they have got a modified coloured version of the exact movie .

The Grinch- Well this movie has to be one of my favs it is just so good and it's based all around a poem about these strange people called whos.

Jingle all the way- This is about how a dad has to get a gift for his son called turbo man and has to do a lot to get it. It stars Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Love actually- I classify this as a christmas movie but some people don't agree with me. but it is an amazing movie following the lives of 8 couples.

Home Alone- of course it could not be christmas without watching home alone. It's about a kid that is left home alone ,as if you did not know that, and has to defeat some evil robbers. Grr. this is a must watch seriously!

Arthur Christmas- This is a really funny great christmas movie about santa's clumsy son. a really good must watch film.

The santa claus 1,2 and - These are your typical christmas movies about santa but they are  still really good and I recommend them to everyone!

Santa buddies- Now I know not everyone like this movie but I personally love them they're so so so cute!! I love all the dogs!

Miracle on 34th street- There are two versions to this film i personally prefer the 1994  version but it's up to yo. I love this one so so much it is heartwarmingly amazing!

There you have it another day bite the dust I hope you enjoyed this post and share below what your fav christmas movie is!

talkative girl (time to stop talking) xx

day 7 of blogmas- Just christmas

I am so sorry for missing this day out so I will just make a small post about just Christmas. ( thanks for the comments on the last post I will look in to it as my mom has anxiety- well sort of type of it- so i'll look into in it).

What does christmas mean to you? and don't worry i'm not  gonna read out the whole nativity play but what is it to you. For me christmas is about family get togethers (which is where I was yesterday that's why I didn't post because they had no wifi- worst nightmare. haha.- It was great) and about christmas dinner and been together. I know you can get this on any occasion but this one seem to naturally stand out from the crowd.

Of course we all love getting presents (guilty is charged) but there is a lot more to it than that so maybe we all need to remember that.

Finally, I know not many can relate to this but some of you might, I always know it's christmas when you are at the German market ( google it) it is actually amazing there the food is like wow but I don't agree with the reindeer and ostrich burgers. You can get loads of chocolate and more chocolate and more!!

Thanks for reading and I will post day 8 today as well as this one was a make up for missing out day 7 but for now Goooodbyeee!

Talkative Girl (time to stop talking)    

Friday 18 December 2015

Day 6 of Blogmas- Not so christmasy

welcome to day 6 of blogmas meaning christmas is in 1 weeks time! I hope you are all well and feeling great. Now I know that many of you might be puzzled by the title of today's post but all will be explained as we go through this post. I have being overtaken by fears! I vaguely touched on this last post but i feel like I am not the only one going through these so called fears. Last post I had a comment asking about what is my fears that is causing this conspiracy in my brain but the truth is I don't know. I have no clue why I call it a fear it's just that if you put a name on something you think it will do less harm. This is not the case.

It all started not that long go about in summer. I had come back from my holiday in Malta and decided that for some reason I was "scared" well you could call it "scared I guess but I don't really know what to call it. In away It is a strange emotion that just seems to build up and never stop. However, this "feeling" or "emotion" or "Fear" comes and goes at random least expected moments when I don't want it to (not like I want it at all though).

Fast forward from summer I had had this feeling a few times, maybe 2 to 3 times, but the most horrible one of all was when I was going to spain for my Birthday. I'll tell you the story of what happened and you will see that the situation was worse enough  without me going in and adding more things to it. So let's begin this story:

It was October at around about 15 mins to 3pm we had to board the airplane , which was stressful enough as it is. But of cause it had to get way worse. As we were getting on we were told we had had our seat changed for an unknown reason so we were moved to an emergency exit. This was already pretty bad as my mom was moaning that she did not have a window. Then they dropped another bombshell. Me and my older sister had to move due to an age restriction policy.Firstly, we had to find new seats which was pretty hard on a fully booked plane. Eventually, we found seats and thay were together so we sat there. I sat in the middle as to me that is my safe zone so I don't feel scared about being in the ai. Of course the stranger sitting next to me felt like she was going to be sick!( random fact about me I have a fear of sick so I was worried anyway). But suddenly that thing came over me (the"feeling" or "emotion" or "Fear") and I could not stop crying, shaking, sweating even. It was so horrible. Long story short everything turned out fine after 50 mins of the feeling coming and going. I mean the woman was not sick and we even managed to find out that she was not ill she just had a strong fear of heights. **phew**.

  The point is I don't know what is happening but i really need to get this out my system as it's a little hard to explain to my family and well your my second family so thanks for listening!

Talkative Girl( Time to stop talking) xx      

Thursday 17 December 2015

Day 5 of "blogmas"- Christma songs!!

Welcome to yet another post of my "blogmas" but before we get started I really want to say something that may or may not be connected to the subject of my post but I need you to know something extremely important. Basically, lately I have been overtaken by fears causing me to cry a lot, shake , feel like I am a failure and just not been able to be myself. The reason why I am telling you this is because I want you guys to help me and maybe I could help you if you have the some problem to get out of this "problem".

On a more jollier-is this a word?- note today I will be talking you through my favourite christmas songs my top 20 and you could share yours down below if you like (you don't have to share all 20 if you don't want to). So I think I have rambled on for quite a bit now so let's get started!!

20) Michael Buble -blue Christmas
19)Coldplay-Christmas Lights
18)I Wizard- I wish it could be Christmas everyday
17) Mud- Lonely this christmas
16) Mariah Carey- all I want for christmas is you
15) Destiny's Child- 8 days of Christmas
14)Michael Buble-white christmas
13)Wham/Ariana Grande's cover - Last Christmas
12)Slade-Merry Christmas everyone
11)Kelly Clarkson- Underneath the tree
10)The pogues and Kirsty Mccoll- Fairytale of Newyork
9) Michael buble-Santa Claus I
8) Michael buble-it's beginning to look alot like Christmas
7)Britany Spears-my only wish this year
6)Frank Sinatra- Let it snow!
5) Jackson 5- Santa claus is comin to town!
4)Band Aid- Do they Know it's christmas?
3)Glee-Jingle bell Rock
2) Winter wonderland ( this can be by anyone and it sounds amazing!)
1) Sam Smith- Have yourself a merry little Christmas

There you have it my favorite christmas songs (1 being my absolute fav to 20 being my okay fav). Thanks for reading and start smiling no matter how sd you are because it's one week till christmas eve! But for now GoodByeeee!

Talkative Girl (time to stop talking) xx

Wednesday 16 December 2015

Day 4 of "Blogmas"- Christmas Haul

 Welcome to day 4 of "blogmas" How have you being? If you're good then yay and if you're bad then do something about it! It's never to late to turn that frown upside down! Anyways today I will be doing a Christmas haul by christmas I mean winter because not all this stuff is festive. So lets get started!

This week I have been doing a hell of alot of shopping by shopping I mean online shopping it's too bloody cold to do it for real however I did go to the German market (look it up if you don't know what it is). Throughout this shopping extravaganza I have gathered quite a lot of winter clothes that I'll most likely wear until march because they are so cozy and cute. Throughout this blog i will not be explaining what I have brought ill just list the clothing shop price and hyperlink it to the shop because they will explain it a hell of alot better than I will. Let's not ramble on forever now i'll get started.  

I have brought a little bit too many coats so here they are (btw they are mainly from select!)
overall clothing now 

The rest of my shopping was at primark so I can't show you them sorry (as they don't have a website) So that is it another day closer to christmas thanks for reading and Goodbyeee!

Talkative Girl (time to stop talking) xx

Tuesday 15 December 2015

Day 3 of blogmas-Beauty and not advent calenders

 Welcome to my second bay of "blogmas" and If you hadn't already knew (clues in the title) I am going to be showing and telling you all about the ideal and most amazing beauty advent calendars! So let's not waste time and get to the good bit!! (I'm slightly excited if you can't already tell!!)
There are loads of beauty advent calendars out there but here are some I personally have fell in love with !:
It is so cut and I love the design. The product that it contains are really good and I have not been disappointed!
I can not describe how much I have fallen In love with this one It is too good to be true !! (but is totally real).
I love this one and the products are really good and the price is not all that bad!
This one has a lot of colour so if you're wanting to by something bright and colourful you should really think about getting this one.
This one is completely full of goods you will always need it is just a great thing overall!!
One word AMAZING! that's all I need to say.
Good value but its really expensive.
more than anything you could imagine but don't get too happy because this one cost about £250 sorry.

There you have it another day gone forever(sad  thought ) but it's another day closer to Christmas **claps hand and dancer around room**
Thanks for reading and goodbyeeeee!

Talkative girl (time to stop talking)

Monday 14 December 2015

Day 2 of Blogmas- Christmas Jumpers!!

WElcome to day two of my "blogmas" and if you're new here then this is when I upload a post everyday for twelve days meaning the 12 days of christmas!  So I think we should get started because I have to say I love This topic so there a lot to get throug!

If you didn't guess from the title I am going to be talking about Christmas jumpers because they are kind of like marmite you love it or you hate it I for one love them! So weather you hate them , love them or simply think they are super cringy I am still gonna show you my favorites because they are cute and cozy!
THis is so cute I could wear it all the time and I know loads of you guys would agree that this is not your traditional Xmas Jumper but It is still too cute!!
This one is a little more outgoing but is still a really nice design and easy to wear.
This one is great for someone who doesn't enjoy christmas jumpers that much but you think they still need one. I love xmas jumpers but i think this one is too adorable to resist!
 This jumper by far is most bland yet it is still one of my favs because it looks really nice!
Jumper 5: How about snow
This one is really cut and good for those who like a jumper to be festive but not a festive bomb shell! Still it's too cute to not buy !

I know there's not a lot of jumper and I could probably do about 10 more but I might do that later this blogmas because I not not everyone likes christmas jumpers. So there you have it another day over hope you enjoyed it. Good bye!!

Talkative Girl (Time to stop talking) xx

Sunday 13 December 2015

The first day!!- Present ideas


If you missed my last post you will not be aware that as of today I will be doing a "blogmas" which basically means that I will be posting daily ( for 12 days as the lead up until christmas) about anything whatsoever so I think we should begin our very first day:

This post ( as you probably guessed from the title) is about present buying! Present are not the meaning of christmas but I can't lie (and neither can you because I know I'm not the only one ) I love to get them but I really love buying them not matter how stressful it can be. And I know i'm not the only one who hates the sight of seeing your christmas tree with not 1 single present under I (I'm not gonna lie mine has no space whatsoever because it is full with present) because there is something about the way that every time I wake up , as my tree is in my room, and see loads of present. It makes me so happy even if none of them are for me!

 There are 2 types of presents stocking fillers that are usually under £10 and luxurious gifts that often have no price limits so ill walk you through all the ones that I think are great types! I will separate these in to cater agrees so you have a direct price limit.

Stocking filler( under £10 

This is a great gift for a girl who loves to pamper herself so this could be ideal for any female family member!
These are super cute and I even own a pear so they are a perfect gift for anyone!!
My sister is obsessed with ted baker and I know she would die for this product and you would be really happy about the price
 This Gift is for someone who loves to read it is the perfect book for anyone as is a this one which is more festive
Ths is a book that has 12 holidays stories that you simply must read!

Luxurious gifts (10+)
This is on the expensive side but I don't really like it , however my mom is actually in love with it and has been for a really long time ( WARNING: £50+)
This bag is very expensive but I really have fallen in love with it any if you have that kind of money and are willing to  buy someone it you are a hero !
NOw I know there was not a lot of presents but I feel like there is a  lot of money so Ill stop here thanks so much for reading I highly appreciate it.
Talkative Girl ( time to stop talking) xx 


Finally back (And i'm back with a boom!)

Now, I know it has literally been forever since I wrote my last post so I have come to the conclusion that I am going to be  *drum roll* doing 12 days of christmas! There are many different ways I could do this such as 12 days after christmas etc. but I have decided to do 12 days till christmas. This basically means that I will be doing a post everyday for 12 days up until christmas day. This I suppose you could call "blogmas" as there are similar things such as vlogmas. These posts could range from 10 paragraphs to 2 basic ones and they could be about anything but I'm hoping they will be mainly festive. So let's begin this Crazy event!!