Saturday 27 February 2016

The Liebster Award

Well, were do I begin.So first of a major warning this post is going to be a super long post as I was nominated for the liebster award so many times but I will hopefully answer all of you questions because I think you guys deserve this as I have not been posting a lot but I will make it more regular (maybe once a week, I am not quite sure yet, but I won't leave you guys again!). Also I apologize if I forget any ones  nomination but I will try my hardest. Now, let the games begin! (cheesy hunger games reference. sorry)

Lets start with the one and only Rose from Kisses, Rose. thanks for nominating me!
1)What's your favourite season?
Well, I love all the seasons because they all come with their own little delights but I have to say the overall winner has to be Autumn. Reason being I was born in Autumn and to me it definitely has the best colours.

2)What was your least favourite age to be?
Umm... I have to think this one through because I have been through a lot but I have to say that the hardest age was umm 12 years old. I have my reasons of course I was going through a lot and I has some problems with anxiety.

3)If you could learn a new language, what would it be?
I already know Spanish ( well a lot anyway) but I guess I would want to learn Italian. I have no clue why but I is a pretty language and I would like to know it,

4)What shop do you buy most of your clothes from?
I have no clue I am not tied to one shop at all but I mainly go to Select, New look and I go on the ASOS website.

5)What's your favourite board game?
Kind of a random question but I like it. My favourite is Monoploy. Yes I know it is boring for some but me and my sister used to play make believe all the time and monopoly was a kind of make believe.

6)Why do you blog?
Now what I'm saying now is basically a shortened version of my first post because it all stated their but for the sake of this mini quiz I will say it on here. I blog because I struggle with a lot of things and I have a lot to say but before this blog it never really got heard. So talkative Girl was born but as I was shy I remained anonymous.

7)What is the first thing I did this morning when I woke up?
Well, I have a very strict morning routine of moaning before I wake up because I am tired but the first real thing I did was either brush my teeth or wash my face.

8) What was the best holiday you ever went on?
Now don't judge I was 6 but it was obliviously Disney Land in Florida because well it was Disney land and I remember going round and getting Mickey and Minnie to sign my autograph book and I still have all the picture!

9)If you could go anywhere right now were would it be?
 100% I would go to Tonga! It is so pretty and beautiful and the best place ever!! 

10)Do you have any pets?
Yes, Now I would show pictures but as I remain anonymous I can not even tell you their names! so I have a dog called B..... and he is a cross between a king Charles cavalier and a Bichon frise. I also have a Bunny called A... who is a albino lion head but she is very old as their life expectation is 5 years and she is 6 years old.

11) Do you play sports?
It depends I classify dance as a sport and I do got to a dance class so yes I can do the splits.

1) Have you ever left you home country?
Yes! I have I have two holidays outside of my country every year and 1 in my country. I know this my seem spoilt but I am a lucky girl,

2)If you could have any job and everyone gets the same amount what job would you love to have?
I don't know  maybe a child physiologist?

3)What would a day in your life consist of?
Some awkwardness and a lot of walking the dog and eating junk!

4) If someone met you for the first time what's one word they'd use to describe you?
Probably Awkward, shy or funny. I know they are a weird mix but when I get awkward i tend to act weird and make jokes.

5)What's your biggest fear, not something like spiders but something like never being to have children?
My biggest fear is actually not being able to have kids because it would destroy me I love kids so much have always wanted 4 kids in fact! but my fear ( as in one like spiders) is small space and the sea!

6)What's something you do only for yourself? E.g blogging
Something that only do for myself is put on make-up because it makes me feel better and I also only fill out kind of smaller planner like thingy ( great description) that is basically has thing that happened in that day or things that are going to happen like going to a party or if I have a anxiety attack I can write it there and I will know what brings that on.

7)What do you think is the perfect age to get married (if you want to get married)?
This is a strange one for me because before I was born my mom got married at 18 and they didn't last long but my nan and granddad did the same thing and they are still going strong. For me I would say around 26-28 personally but I really depends on when I am ready!

8) What's one thing that you have a natural talent for?
I don't know I can do the splits and I guess I can draw okay but I don't know a lot of my talents maybe I don't have many!

9)Do you have a best friend that you know you'll be best friends forever?
I'd like to thinks so because I love all of my besties and of course you guys are my friends and I think we will go for a long time.

10) If you could live in any country where would you live?
Probably America in Texas because I love when people say y'all and the accents are super cute. But I love my are because that's were my family is.

11)What out of school activities do you do?
As I have already mentioned I do dance class and we have done a couple performances.

Next one is Liv Hudd from Liv's beauty blog   

1)Who is your favourite blogger and why?
My favourite blogger is most likely Tanya Burr's blog because I simply love her videos and her writing but I read so many blogs so this one was super hard to pick!  

2)Do you watch youtubers, if so, who are your favourites?
My favourite youtuber overall has to Brian Redmon at the moment but I also really like Collins key, Caspar Lee and rclbeauty101.

3)Do you have any pets?
Yes as said in question above ( I'll copy and paste it)Yes, Now I would show pictures but as I remain anonymous I can not even tell you their names! so I have a dog called B..... and he is a cross between a king Charles cavalier and a Bichon frise. I also have a Bunny called A... who is a albino lion head but she is very old as their life expectation is 5 years and she is 6 years old.

4)Favourite song at the moment? 
My favourite song at the moment is Lukas Graham- 7 years old.

5)What show did you watch all the time as a kid?
When I was really little I was obsessed with a show called "Wonder pets" were talking animals saved the day! I know, sounds amazing. ( if you have watched it my favourite was the duck)

6) Favourite time of the year (Easter, birthday, Christmas etc.)?
My favourite time is Christmas all the way!!

7)First thing you do in the morning?
Well, I have a very strict morning routine of moaning before I wake up because I am tired but the first real thing I did was either brush my teeth or wash my face. ( copied and pasted form above).

8)Favourite treat to have?
Reese's peanut butter cupcakes!!

9)Where would you love to visit on holiday?
Bora Bora because it is really beautiful and a dream place.

10)Worst habit?
Playing with my hair all the time! I am always twisting it, twirling it and messing with it!

11)Why do you blog?
 Now what I'm saying now is basically a shortened version of my first post because it all stated their but for the sake of this mini quiz I will say it on here. I blog because I struggle with a lot of things and I have a lot to say but before this blog it never really got heard. So talkative Girl was born but as I was shy I remained anonymous.  Also in my blog description it is all their so check that out!

Next up is Alice from @lice in the Re@l World

1)What's you favourite food?
My favourite food is ( this is gonna sound strange) Potatoes where its mash potatoes or chips or jacket baked potatoes!

Ummm.... Blogging and writing random stuff nobody reads like mini story.

3)Cookie or Cream?

4)Where's your happy place? 
My bed... I love to sleep and I write all my posts on my bed.

5)Favourite colour?

6)Favourite holiday? why?
Seems as I already answered this one I will pick another holiday as I have many favourites. My favourite would probably be Cyprus. Well, I have been here about 2 times but the first was the best (they were both great) because 5 out of 7 of my siblings came with meaning their was 6 kids and two parents that came on holiday so it was a big Villa (privet rented house) and I just loved it.

7)Who is your favourite celebrity and why?
At the moment it is Dylan O'Brien because he is in amazing movies and he is in "Teen Wolf" and overall he is just really gorgeous! 

8)When you were five, what did you want to be be when you grew up?
Their were two 1 was a hairdresser because I used to help my mom's hairdresser ( by help I mean I sat and watched and held things) and 2 was every girls dream a pop princess. Yes I wanted to be a famous singer and I was always playing make-believe.

9)What is or was your favourite subject at school?
Art or dance because they are the only really fun one!

10)What is your favourite season?

11) What is your favourite book, game and movie?

My favourite book is Looking for Alaska. My favourite movie is if I stay, The fault in our stars or The other woman. My favourite game is..... I don't really have one but I am slightly obsessed with a game called winter bells.

Next is Bri from Bri Nicole

1)Who's your biggest inspiration?
My biggest inspiration has to be Tanya Burr because I love her style of writing on her blog and she is always really open with her audience and expresses herself well. 

2)Favourite food? 
3)Biggest pet peeve?
Messy areas and when people chew they make a weird noise or they chew with their mouth full it super gross!

4)What country would you love to visit?
Bora Bora.

5)What are your thoughts on bullying?
Well, I know that pretty much everyone say the same thing that it is wrong and you shouldn't do it and of course I agree because nobody should have to feel terrible just because somebody else wants to feel bigger. I know people could say just ignore them ( tend to be what teacher say) but you shouldn't if you are being bullied or you see someone else being bullied tell an adult because yes someone could say you're a grass but it was for the sake of someone else and to me it's worth it. If you yourself are being bullied then you need to tell someone because you shouldn't have to feel that way. I could go on for hours about this but this is all I am going to say for now.

6)Who is your favourite artist (I think this means a music artist not literally and artist)? 
I don't really have one but maybe eerrr.... Demi Lovato or Ellie Goulding.

7)Do you watch TV?
Yes I do.

8)Why do you blog?
Already did this one like twice! look above.

9)Favourite blogger?
My favourite blogger is most likely Tanya Burr's blog because I simply love her videos and her writing but I read so many blogs so this one was super hard to pick!  

10)How many years have you been blogging?
I have been blogging for 4 month and 14 days!

11)Why did you decide to put you thoughts on the internet?
I did it because I had a lot to say and it had all gathered up inside until now and I always dreamed of writing for an audience

I think thats all I am sorry if I missed you out but here you have it finally complete. This to me ages to make and complete so I hope you enjoyed it. I would like to say a great big thanks for nominating me and I answered your questions as good as I could. Sorry that it is a bit repetitive it's just that I was nominated so many times but there you have it!

I would like to nominate:
Tanya form A book paradise
M'lyn Miller from A different perspective 
Sarah Rose from My Inner Spot 
Dami form damilola's blog
Laura from P.S I love that book
Teenage Girl From Teenage Girl (she is anonymous like me!) 
Be Beautiful from 
Fablola from Fangirl Freak ( In different language but you can translate it )
Finley family from Love and Hope
Emma from Em is for Emma
Katie Janosky form Katie J art 

For the people I nominated, your questions are:
1)What's your favourite song?
2)Do you have any pets?
3)Have you ever being on holiday? If so where?
4)How long have you being blogging for?
5)What's your favourite film/s?
6) What is your dream job?
7) Who is your favourite singer?
8)What's your favourite food?
9)biggest fear?
10)greatest strength/ weakness?
11)What age would you have kids? how many do you want?

  • This award exists only on the internet, and is given to bloggers by other bloggers.
  • It has German origins – the word “liebster” has several definitions: dearest, sweetest, kindest, nicest, beloved, lovely, kind, pleasant, valued, cute, endearing, welcome, sweetheart and boyfriend (really?)
  • It follows similar principles as a chain letter, in the sense that it should be passed forward to a certain number of people.
  • It can be misconstrued, depending upon your personal views, as either something wonderful (who doesn't like awards?) or as an annoyance (a chain letter that involves work).
  • The choice lies within each of us to ACCEPT it, and continue PAYING IT FORWARD or to refuse to accept it, thereby STOPPING or INTERRUPTING the chain. However, if you stop the chain, you are only hurting yourself (keep reading for benefits you will have)!
  • Personal views play an important part in our choice to participate. Some people have refused to accept it and have made attempts to “break the chain”. There have been many people who have been nominated, yet refused to accept it, and now their blogs have been abandoned.
  • Variations have been made over time to the “rules”.
  • Marketing plays a role in accepting this award, as other bloggers are promoted. (This is not a bad thing, however, since people should help others!)
  • Other awards are a part of thiis These include “One Lovely Blog Award”, the “Sunshine Blog Award” and the “Versatile Writer Award”.
It is said that the Liebster award was created to recognize and/or discover new bloggers and welcome them to the blogosphere. In the digital world of the internet, this seems like a nice gesture, in my opinion! ( this was copied from the liebster award information site)
Their you have it finally fished. If I missed anything out then comment down bellow any I will do it asap! thanks for reading such a long post bye for now!

Talkative Girl (Time to stop talking) xx



  1. Hey!!
    I don't know why their is a colour change but I will find out what it is for you guys. By the way my blog is having a make over soon so keep an eye out!
    Talkative Girl ( Time to stop talking)xx

  2. Hello, Talkative Girl!
    I love your blog (well obviously, I nominated you for the Liebster Award!), and when I saw your Liebster tag. I thought it was sooo cool that you like Dylan O'Brien, too! I am going to start watching Teen Wolf soon, but I know him mainly from The Maze Runner, Scorch Trials, and The First Time.
    He's awesome...
    Love ur BLOG, BLOGETTY, BLOG, BLOG, and bye!!!
    - Alice Eastburn

  3. Hey!!
    That kind of funny because I mainly knew him from Teen Wolf as I watched it form the being till present but I have watched the Maze Runner, Scorch Trials and The First Time. Also you have no idea how glad that makes me feel when you say those magic words "I love your blog" because they make me realise that I am actually effecting someone's life!!
    (P.S. I know he is awesome!!)

    Talkative girl (time to stop talking) xx
